Although not necessarily essential for survival, having the right
survival tools can sure make life a lot easier. A good survival knife is probably one of the most important all around survival tools that one can carry. A good pocket saw
and folding shovel (if you don't mind the extra weight), can also come in mighty
handy. Any multipurpose tool, capable of proving multiple additional backup
resources is highly recommended and don't forget to include any needed repair
items, such as duct tape, one of the " survival tools" with a 100 uses!

Black Widow Hatchet

Molle Trifold Shovel Cover
Gerber Trifold Shovel Cover

BCB Commando Wire Saw w/ Rings
BCB Commando Wire Saw w/ Straps

Silky Pocketboy
Hand Saw

BCB Pocket Chain Saw
Dermasafe SERE Pocket Razor Knife

Supreme Pocket Chain Saw

Supreme Unbelievable Saw

UST Sabercut Saw

Ndur Pocket Hand Chain Saw

UST Sabercut Wire Saw

Folding Shovel with Pick
Pick Shovel Combo

Deluxe Military Trifold Shovel
Survival Repair Gear

Rescue Tape

Brass Snare Wire

Speedy Stitcher

Rapid Rope

Survival Duct Tape


UST Folding Scissors

Snap Hook

Shackle Pin

D Ring
Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Knife

Sog Seal Pup Elite Survival Knife

Rothco Adventure Survival Knife

Bear Grylls Folder

Mora Basic Military Knife
Mora LMF Fireknife - Red
Mora LMF Fireknife - Black

Ka-bar Zombie Mule Folder
UST Sabercut Paraknife 4.0 - Orange

UST Sabercut Paraknife 4.0 - GLO

UST Paraknife FS 4.0

Boker Plus Subcom F Knife

Outdoor Edge Harpoon

Colt Tactical Spears Combo
Colt Arrowhead Spears

Vintage Jungle Machete
Boker Plus Credit Card Knife

Boker Plus Keycom

Ka-bar Zombie Rapier Knife

Mini Multitool

Guardian K3 Mini Tool

Leatherman Skeletool

Shrade Toughtool Multitool

UST Folding Scissors