Rapid Rope gives you 120 feet of test cord in an easy to deploy canister at
your fingertips. The shatterproof canister is just a little larger than a 12oz soda can and
features a built in integrated cutter. This means the canister easily fits in your hand,
pack, and even your drink holder. The cord deploys from the canister in any
direction (even upside down) and if you drop the canister, it doesn't unspool
leaving you tangled in a mess - it's guaranteed not to tangle. You can actually deploy cord and
cut it using just one hand. Rapid Rope in
a Can - 70 ft.
Rapid Rope is uniquely designed with a rope
canister dispenser and a built in rope cutter that will also accept refills.
It has an ultimate tensil strength of 1100 lbs., yet weighs under one pound in
the canister.
There are four different colors to choose from
Rope in a can -120 ft.
Out of Stock
See also....
Camjam Tie Down Rope